Zoran Perović

General Secretary

Non damnatio sed causa hominem turpem facit...


Zoran Perović is a Lawyer form Belgrade. He was born in 1951, and he graduated in 1974 at Faculty of Law University of Belgrade and passed his judicial state examination in 1976. He initiated his professional career at Third Municipal Court in Belgrade, where he had been employed for 11 years. After that, he spent 3 years as the judge of District Court in Belgrade and 3 more years as the President of Third Municipal Court in Belgrade. He was the judge of Supreme Court of the Republic of Serbia with special duties of the President of the Department for the Suppression of Organized Crime at that Court for 7 years – until March 2005, when he started working as a lawyer at Jolović Law Office.

As a lawyer, Zoran Perović is particularly interested and engaged in the field of criminal law, but he also possesses supreme expert knowledge in the area of electoral legal provisions. Within his regular professional engagements at Jolović Law Office, Zoran Perović represents his clients in legal procedures at courts of all jurisdictions.

He conducts counselling of clients in the field of criminal law, he appears before courts as his clients’ representative and defendant, writes appeals as well as all types of extraordinary legal remedies. Besides, he also provides legal advice in the area of electoral laws and rights.

When it comes to membership in professional associations, apart from being the Generaly Secretar of Serbian Association for Criminal Law and Practice, Zoran Perović is also a member of Bar Association of Serbia and a member of Bar Association of Belgrade.